Friday, 24 April 2015


There are key advantages to working with a managed services or facilitating supplier. Whether the association is a start-up, SMB or undertaking – utilizing managed services like online backup solutions has some extraordinary benefits.

Wednesday, 15 April 2015


Utilizing the cloud for reinforcements and catastrophe recovery permits businesses to diminish costs, both from a capex and opex viewpoint. Anyhow, before you put your reinforcement and DR eggs in the cloud container, here are two things you have to look into if you are looking for a service provider in New York.

Wednesday, 8 April 2015

Factors that Helps to Assess Which Cloud is Right for Your Business

To identify which cloud technology is right for your business, starts with a closer inspection of the factors that helps to make best choice. Based on location (private, public, virtual private, hybrid, community) and type of services (infrastructure as a service, platform as a service, software as a service, etc.), the cloud technology has varied scope and sub-types.

Thursday, 2 April 2015

A smart checklist: for Corporate Relocation

Reason for a corporate relocation can be many including a better work environment, easy access to skill set or proximity to target market etc. Moving an office or a business is far more complex than shifting household. To make the process simple and seamless here is a quick checklist to keep your corporate move on the track.

Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Which Cloud Model is Right for your Business?

Cloud has been a game changer in IT landscape. Majority of the organizations found moving to the cloud as a pragmatic approach to maximize productivity, balance workloads, resources depending upon the availability of the budget. Cloud computing provides scalability, flexibility, efficiency and on-demand access to servers, applications, storage and other resources. However, one challenge faced by businesses was in determining where they can host their technology assets and which cloud model from Public. Private, hybrid, community etc.) they should adopt for their business depends upon the closer examination of the cloud and their business needs.

Here is an overview of different cloud models:

1.Public Cloud - In a public cloud, collection of resources are owned, managed and operated by a service provider. In a public cloud many different companies together share their resources and these are provisioned for open use by the general public.

 2. Private Cloud - Private cloud is a more secure and superior option, in this pool of resources are used by a single company, all resources, are owned, managed and operated by the organization itself either on or off premises.

 3.Hybrid Cloud - Hybrid cloud offers a balanced approach, wherein a combination of two or more distinct cloud infrastructure (private, public or community) remains independent entities but are still bound by standardized technology enabling quick data and application portability.

 4.Community Cloud - In a community cloud, a pool of resources are provisioned by an organization for independent use wherein several organizations and their users own, manage and operate these resources from a specific group with common computing concerns. Community clouds are often used by businesses and organizations working on joint ventures, applications, research work etc. wherein they require a central cloud computing facility for successfully executing such projects.

Depending upon the company requirement, you can pick one of the cloud model mentioned above. However, once you establish your processes on the cloud infrastructure, it is critical that you manage it efficiently to optimize the business processes.

Wednesday, 18 March 2015

Pros and Cons of Build & Buy Data Centers

In present IT landscape, many companies are facing the question whether they should build a data center in their facility or buy a data center that suits their company needs. Here, in this blog, we are going to discuss all valid implications to be aware about before reaching a conclusion whether to build or buy a data center.

For reaching a right decision, it is important to firstly evaluate your core business strengths, experience, ability of internal resources, availability of funds, size and type of organization, these all factors are necessary to consider for making a wise decision.

Build Data Center Buy Data Center
Build data center refers to building your own data center within the organization's facility depending upon the needs that best suits your company. Buy data center refers to taking a facility on lease from a service provider whose competency lies in designing a data center based on customer's business requirements.
Other thing to consider is sensitivity to cash flow that can be another deciding factor. Whether company has enough funds to invest in equipment, maintain them and take charge of other expenditures. For building a data center, company needs more funds. When it comes to buying a data center, it is a cost-effective option as compared to designing data center from the scratch. In this company needs to pay for only those services which they are using.
Another factor that can help you in taking a well-informed decision is dependency on internal resources, required deployment time-frame, accessibility to data center and most importantly your organization's experience and expertise in operating a data center. In this operation, you don’t have to be concerned about running a data center as your provider will take care of required bandwidth, required equipment, security and privacy of data. The only pull back here can be your company needs to share the space with other company's so if you are comfortable with shared space then this makes a great choice.

Tuesday, 10 March 2015

Warning Signs that Means Your IT Network Needs Monitoring

A company's network is one of the most valued component to keep the business operations up and running. To ensure high performance from network, proactive approach to network monitoring is required. However, if your network displays any of the below mentioned monitoring signs then a monitoring system is required.

Wednesday, 4 March 2015

1, 2, 3 & 4 Pros & Cons of Remote IT Support

Remote IT Support has evolved the concept of IT support and within sometime, it emerged as an efficient and cost-effective option for enterprises to provide 24/7 support to their clients. Although it provides numerous valuable benefits to the businesses, but it do have some shortcomings as well.

Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Top Threats to Cloud Security

Cloud computing has taken the IT landscape by storm, from SMEs to enterprises; all are using cloud services for flexibility, easy and added advantages. Although, cloud has numerous benefits but cloud security can pose some challenges. Here are the top threats to Cloud Security.

Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Unlocking the Benefits of Outsourcing, your Relocation Needs

Corporate relocation is the process of relocating all the office equipment and setup to a better facility. There are many reasons a company can go for it, the most common is being in the proximity to target markets, improved working environment, easy access to skilled workforce, reduced costs and more. However, without any professional assistance, it can be a daunting task. For this reason, outsourcing is an ideal option as it allows employees to focus on their core business objectives while experts can ensure that entire relocation process goes seamless.

Thursday, 12 February 2015


Technology is changing at a rapid pace, although cloud enjoys a dominant place in the IT landscape but  need of traditional in-house data centers cannot be ruled out, there are many companies who are still doing it traditional ways. Besides, companies who are already using cloud services are also maintaining a hybrid configuration, or at least a network facility which ensures close monitoring and high availability, thus in-house data centers still form an integral part of business entities.

With in-house data centers, a new term DCIM (Data Center Infrastructure Management) is steadily gaining momentum. With this much growing potential, here is an overview of what DCIM can offer:

Majority of IT professionals are familiar with the term, infrastructural monitoring including resource evaluation from time to time, keeping a check on network latency, downtime alerts, constant network monitoring, these all attributes ensure your systems and software are up & running thus overall keeping an eye on health of your infrastructure. When we talk about DCIM, it offers data center services with all above features but with a wider range, power & capacity thus giving companies an edge.

How is DCIM different?
In traditional data centers you know that your servers are up but you don’t have concrete idea about how many servers can fit in your facility and safely manage to cool. DCIM provides broader data center hosting services, by filling these gaps. It introduces following concepts such as:

Maximizing system utilization thus resulting in improved efficiency
Well Optimizing physical infrastructure that includes space management too
Deep analysis of existing virtual systems
Consolidation of resources
Change management
Asset Tracking
Multi-tier monitoring

There are many traditional products that partially look after these areas but DCIM takes data center services to one step higher, with an intent to unify all assets with one centralized point of administration thereby bringing greater accuracy and efficiency.

Wednesday, 4 February 2015

The Three ‘A’s of a Business Continuity Program

Business stability is essential for a company irrespective of its size. It provides flexibility in order to coup over any disaster, be it nature or human error. It provides multiple benefits; it is not restricted to protecting only business data, software or hardware through server virtualization services but also safeguards employees who form an integral part of the organization. Thus, by putting a business continuity plan in practice, companies can better prepare against any potential risks or disasters and can get back on their feet with least possible downtime.

Tuesday, 27 January 2015


From family photographs to financial records or business contracts to personal contacts, your hard drive is chocked with full of irreplaceable data. It is a fact that in this digitized world most of the individuals keep thousands of files in to their system. However, it is also a proven fact that your hard drive can fail at any moment due to any technical issues or other possible reasons.

Thursday, 22 January 2015


To achieve success in your online business, your web presence is of greatest importance. As website is the finest medium to engage existing clients and reach prospective customers. For that reason, it is vital to select a reliable web design services and a web hosting company that provides 99% uptime, competitive resources and well-informed tech support.

Sunday, 18 January 2015


Last year was a successful year for the IT industry as we have witnessed the continuousevolution of technology-based trends that includeVirtualization, Cloud and BYOD. In 2014, it is predictedto see the upcoming trends that have common threads among IT department for a complete year.

Wednesday, 14 January 2015

The Cost of Corporate Relocation – The Facts & Figures

Corporate relocation is like an investment in terms of time, money and human efforts. When an employee is considered for relocation by a company, than the company should also be ready for a bigger investment for the person, in order to share their knowledge and efficiency of working with another office. The reasons for relocation of an employee may be different. It might be that the company needs to use the person as a resource in the new location or they want to give an opportunity for a deserving employee to bolster their experience with relocation. However, the cost of corporate relocation is the most important factor considered to decide which candidate is right for the job.