Friday, 2 May 2014


The purpose of Preventive Maintenance is to ensure the best possible utilization of technology assets at the lowest lifecycle cost. Thus, appropriate care of assets and maintenance of the entire network infrastructure is imperative to sustain equipment reliability and avoid any predictable failures. An effective Preventive Maintenance Optimization (PMO) strategy must include procedures that are comprehensive to derive optimum efficiency from the assets in a repetitive, periodically scheduled frequency.

Let us know the significance of preventive maintenance strategy for businesses here -

A. Comprehensive Checks - Periodic check of critical components are required to ensure that the entire system in a business setup is methodically maintained. To avoid any failures, systematically planned checks on power supply systems, power backup units, cables, batteries, etc. should be done to minimize the possibilities of breakdown, especially during a power outage. In addition, critical systems with a limited lifespan should be replaced in due course of time.

B. Repetitive Checks –It is important to keep work order records and rectification details that were executed over a period under the preventive maintenance program. This would facilitate engineers and technicians to perform repetitive tasks in similar manner and get anticipated results without causing delays. A well-documented record may include drawings or pictures, specifications, installation details, location, warranty or expiration, instruction manuals to repair, re-assemble and de-assemble the equipment, etc. as per the business setup.

C. Schedule and Frequency of Checks –Scheduling of preventive maintenance tasks should be done keeping in mind accurate mean-time-to-perform. A standardized checklist can be maintained, mentioning specific time intervals as well as the frequency to conduct checks for each task and other critical information such as SOP (Standard Operating Procedures) and EOP (Emergency Operating Procedures). Ensure that the schedule and frequency of preventive maintenance tasks comply with the OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer’s) recommendation or the work order history.

Once a business or enterprise setup covers all the above-mentioned aspects of Preventive Maintenance Services, they can experience enhanced equipment up time, reduced material costs, superior production output and highest asset utilization. Eventually, this would result in establishing good reputation in the industry with better customer satisfaction.

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